Monday, 7 October 2013

Bible challenge day 8

I have been carrying my Bible around with me pretty much everywhere since last Monday. It's going well, although the one time I did forget to take it along with me was when I was to church on Sunday. Ironic. Maybe that's the place that I almost need it least as there are fewer non-Christians there to witness to? Maybe.

I haven't bothered taking my Bible to church for years as they put the words up on the screen during the preach anyway. Yes I know that this is lazy. Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I missed having my Bible around actually.

I read it waiting for the bus and on the bus today, for the first time ever I think. I enjoyed that, and I noticed at least one person looking at me. It does make you think about how you act though; if you are carrying a Bible then you are aware that people are watching you and know or at least suspect that you are Christian. It's a bit like driving a company vehicle with a logo on I guess- you need to behave!

I finished Acts today and there was something about reading what the first church got up to, in public rather than hidden away in your house or church building. It makes you wonder what you would do if you were one of the disciples with Paul. He spent a lot of his ministry in jail, preaching to the prisoners and guards. Some people hated the early Christians and the disciples were persecuted for their faith. Today in the Western world we can go to church, read our Bibles in public and generally be Christian without too much fear of arrest. That' s a privilege that we shouldn't take for granted.

One time that I haven't been taking my Bible out is when I go for a walk, simply because it's too big to carry around conveniently, and hiding it away in my bag doesn't seem good enough. I'm going to see if I can be brave enough to carry my Bible around in my hand next time I go for a walk. We'll see.

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